Revert Stories
Emily Rahman
I first became known to Islam when I studied it in my gcse RE lessons. My teacher luckily happened to be Muslim herself so she had such a passion...
Kiandra Browne
I was born Christian, my family was not that religious though. As a kid I prayed before going to bed and read Bible stories, but when I was between 15 and 16...
Nic Clarke
I knew some Muslims and they inspired me to learn more about Islam. I read the Quran and half way through it just made sense and felt true...
Lourdes Zekkani
I was watching a documentary on the Hajj pilgrimage and they were interviewing a women. I remember, she was dressed in all white...
Mahlic Sallah
I was going through a really rough phase in my life about a month ago. Mentally I was not where I wanted to be at and honestly I felt lost...
Aasiya Upshal
I grew up religious and really interested in knowing more about God. My family are all Christian but they are from different sectors...
Islam aligned closely with my religious beliefs, but for years I had not realized it- largely due to stereotypes and ignorance on my part...
Candace Ashley
I was born and raised Christian and didn't know anything about Islam. When I met my first Muslim, I found out that Muslims believe in the same prophets from the Bible...
Mackenzie Majeski
After hearing about the religion I started to look more into it and after that I was always interested in it and kept learning more about it...
Cristina Chew
I was searching for the purpose of life for a very long time. Jumping from one religion to another & lastly when I discovered Islam, it all make sense...
Suleiman Nshimiyimana
I was lost, I felt like heart wasn’t whole, like it was missing something. I felt like I was searching for answers that I could not be find. I wasn’t happy with where I was at...
Kihembo Aaylah
I went to a Muslim funded high school for 6 years. Over time I became friends with Muslims and I used to watch them do Ramadan, duas and pray. I sort of connected with everything...
Bao Nguyen
The majority of my friends are Muslim, so on Ramadan 2018 they invited me to iftar. After iftar they went to a Islamic lecture...
Erin Garratt
Watch Erin Garrett take about her story in the House of Islam Yotube Channel!
Amirah Costa
I was christian but I never thought Jesus and God were the same person, so when I heard that muslim believe in Jesus but as a prophet, I started studying about Islam...
Since 2013 I have been an overseas worker in the Middle East. I started working in Saudi Arabia. I took my shahada and reverted in 2017...
I was at my brothers soccer game and one of the starting players was on the bench because he was fasting. When I asked him why he was fasting...
Elyh Fennell
I grew up in New York City which I would say is a state that is comprised of many religions including Islam. In high school I was introduced to Islam...
Abdullah ibn Loren
I’ve never met a Muslim in my life, and when my youngest son, who is now 13, was born I was not allowed (for other reasons) in the room. 10 days after he was born...
Sarah Curnayn
My name is Sarah, friends know me as Rain. I grew up in a very rural small town in Arkansas. A predominantly white Christian area. No Muslims in sight...