
  • Senses

    Hearing is one of the first senses to develop in a fetus. A baby can hear its mother's voice long before it is born. Vision comes at a latter stage. This was only known recently, however this was portrayed in the Quran 1400 years before it was discovered. The Quran insists that God created our hearing before our vision. Quran 76:2 and Quran 23:78. The Quran always refers to the "hearing" before the "seeing" which turned out to be their actual order of creation.

  • Skeletal System

    The vertebra is the first part of the skeleton to form however it is still made of cartilage. The first cartilage that turns into actual bone is the mandible (jaw bone). This Meckel's cartilage turns into bone 3 days before its respective muscles form. The first formation of actual bones happens at the jaw bone at day 41. Three days later the associated muscles form. This was only known recently, however this was portrayed in the Quran 1400 years before it was discovered. Quran 23:14. Bones before muscles, this turned out to be the correct order of formation.

  • Amniotic Fluid

    The fetus sits in amniotic fluid, but 1400 years ago nobody knew that the amniotic fluid is actually water. The amniotic fluid for humans is mainly water. This was known recently however this was portrayed in the Quran 1400 years before it was discovered. The Quran describes the amniotic fluid for humans as water. Quran 86:6

  • Facial Features

    Facial features develop between the second and third months. Facial features develop between the second and third months; before that the fetus is featureless. This was known recently, however this was portrayed in the Quran 1400 years before it was discovered. Quran 22:15

  • Meiosis

    Meiosis is a special cell division process in sexually-reproducing organisms; it happens in 8 phases. In sexually-reproducing organisms the pair of chromosomes divide in eight phases. This was known recently, however this was portrayed in the Quran 1400 years before it was discovered. For humans and cattle: Quran 39:6